AgriTech Analytics (ATA) is located in Visalia, California
the center of California’s vibrant dairy industry.
was formed in 1972 through the Dairyman's Cooperative Creamery
Association. Neil C. Quesenberry initially directed the new company.
ATA relocated from Tulare, California to Visalia, California in 1997.
In 2004, ATA was purchased by Holstein Association USA, Inc., a
nonprofit producer association. Bill VerBoort was the General Manager of ATA from 2006-2022 and had directed the company through technical
upgrades to the current Oracle platform. Tony Allen is the current General Manager and he is continuing to push ATA to further increase their footprint in the dairy industry. ATA coordinates the disbursing of reports to the Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding and various breed associations. Technology has
advanced during the time ATA has been in existence and ATA has kept
pace with technology. This allows ATA to have a fast turn around on
processing data. ATA is the main dairy report producer on the west coast with clients such as the Tulare DHIA and partners with companies such as Valley Ag Software to coordinate data collection.
What makes ATA unique?
Oracle system uses Best Prediction
Service Sire Fertility Summary (only regional fertility summary in the country)
Ability to accept data between tests
Ability to send corrected data to USDA outside of test day
ATA has been labeled as the processing center best
suited to meet the needs of the large dairy herd. Some of the reasons
for this are:
- Integration with DC 305
- Test Interval Sends
- Error list instead of not processing until data is corrected
The Oracle platform that is used by ATA provides the following capabilities:
- Uses Best Prediction
- Processes in minutes instead of hours
- Reprocessing features can implement corrections immediately
- Generate corrected output in minutes
- All output can be produced in PDF format for e-mailing and web access
- Selected reports can be generated in a delimited file
AgriTech Analytics is the second largest dairy records processing center in the United States.
Each month ATA processes the dairy records for over 900,000 cows.
We are located in the highest dairy producing area in the United States.
The efficient staff is dedicated to providing excellent customer service.