The fee schedule below with all of its footnotes is available at CDCB Fee Schedule Update 4-03-2019. Included below is the schedule. Additional information on changes regarding crossbred animals can be found at Genomic Evaluations Including Crossbred Animals
Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding Service Fee Schedule
Effective March 22, 2013 (Fees updated April 3, 2019)
The CDCB genomic fees are structured in such a manner that those who are providing the most data or information of the greatest value to the cooperator database are rewarded for their contribution. The fee schedule encourages contributors to grow the amount and kinds of data they are contributing to the system to improve genomic estimates in the future.
The CDCB genomic fees are in addition to lab and genomic nominator fees.

• Each female nominated must have a unique permanent ID.
• Genotyped females will receive a genomic evaluation monthly. Lab and genomic nominator fees for secondary genotyping test(s) may apply.
• Eligibility for female (born or embryo) nomination cooperator credits:
• Female born in a US herd: requires that the animal or its dam must be in a US dairy herd at the time of nomination.
o Milk yield data provider: requires that the submitted female or its dam must be, at the time of nomination, in a US herd that has a minimum of 4 DHI tests in the past 12 months and has at least 50% of the eligible first lactation females calving in the prior 14 months or at least 100 females in the same group who have received official cow genetic evaluations for milk yield, which include their own phenotypic information.
o Conformation data provider: requires that the submitted female or its dam must be, at the time of nomination, in a US herd with at least 20 females receiving their first conventional conformation evaluation in the prior 12 months (OR 20% of the eligible females in the same group).
o Health data provider: requires that the submitted female or its dam must be, at the time of nomination, in a US herd with eligible first lactation females calving in the prior 14 months who have received official cow genetic evaluations for any of the health traits, which include their own phenotypic information.
- Female born in a Canadian herd: requires that the submitted female must have a permanent ID with country code CAN or 124.
- After each tri-annual full genetic evaluation (April, August and December), US herd credits will be determined by the herd’s contributions to the national cooperator database. The credit assignments will take effect on the release date of the tri-annual genetic evaluation.

• Each male nominated must have a unique permanent ID.
• Genotyped males will receive a genomic evaluation monthly.
• Eligibility for male (born or embryo) nomination cooperator credits:
o Controller is a collaborator stud: requires the male controller, regardless of the male’s country of origin, to be a regular NAAB member or Cooperator Dairy DNA Repository (CDDR) member or organization with a parent company in the United States, which is in the semen selling business that has a signed contract to:
- purchase a male, or
- purchase 1st choice of all the males in a flush, or
- lease a male with marketing rights in all or all but one (1) country, or
- lease 1st choice of all males in a flush with marketing rights in all or all but one (1) country.
o Foreign male submitted by an International genotype exchange partner: males submitted by international genotype exchange partners that are born outside of the US and are subject to the nomination fee of the home country of the exchange partner. There will be full credit for these males to get a US genomic evaluation but the appropriate AI Service Fee will still apply if the US evaluation is used to market the male. A complete list of international genotype exchange partners is available at [ customer-service/wiki/International_genotype_exchange_partners].
o US herd providing data: requires that the animal or its dam must be in a US dairy herd at the time of nomination.
- Milk yield data provider: requires that the submitted male or its dam must be, at the time of nomination, in a US herd that has a minimum of 4 DHI tests in the past 12 months and has at least 50% of the eligible first lactation females calving in the prior 14 months or at least 100 females in the same group who have received official cow genetic evaluations for milk yield, which include their own phenotypic information.
- Conformation data provider: requires that the submitted female or its dam must be, at the time of nomination, in a US herd with at least 20 females receiving their first conventional conformation evaluation in the last 12 months (OR 20% of the eligible females in the same group).
- Health data provider: requires that the submitted female or its dam must be, at the time of nomination, in a US herd with eligible first lactation females calving in the prior 14 months who have received official cow genetic evaluations for any of the health traits, which include their own phenotypic information.
o After each tri-annual full genetic evaluation (April, August and December), US herd credits will be determined by the herd’s contributions to the national cooperator database. The credit assignments will take effect on the release date of the tri-annual genetic evaluation.
o If a male receives a U.S. genomic evaluation after March 5, 2013, and it is determined there was not a signed purchase contract or the lease did not conform to the above conditions, the person or organization marketing the male will be subject to a $10,000.00 penalty collected by CDCB for each male and may lose the privilege of genomic testing males for up to 1 year.
o The submitter is responsible for informing the CDCB certified genomic nominator the origin of citizenship or U.S. corporate status at the time of nomination.

• Multiple-herd AI males or multiple-owner/syndicate males with a genomic evaluation and a first semen release date of March 1, 2013, or later must enroll in the NAAB Cross Reference Program and pay the designated one-time AI Service Fee if the US genomic evaluation is being used to sell semen. AI Service Fee is based on the controlling organization. NAAB will collect the AI Service Fee and forward the collected fees to CDCB. The requirement to pay an AI Service Fee should be part of the signed nomination form so the submitter is informed of the rules when paying the Male Nomination Fee. If semen is only used in the owner’s herd(s), an AI Service Fee is not required and, in this case, the male will not appear on any lists that are based on Cross Reference Status Codes.
• Marketed AI males (those with Cross Reference Status Codes of P, G, A, F, L and I) will only receive a genetic evaluation 3 times a year in the tri-annual evaluations. The cross-reference file determining the CDCB AI service fees is updated three times a year and becomes effective at the subsequent April, August or December tri-annual evaluation.
• Foreign males younger than 16 months of age will have genomic evaluations publicly released. After that the publication of updated genomic evaluations will continue only if the AI Service Fee is paid.
• Eligibility for AI service cooperator credits:
o Controller is a collaborator stud: same as described for the male nomination fee.
o Foreign male submitted by an International genotype exchange partner: same as described for the male nomination fee.
• Genomic predictions for males controlled by international genotype exchange partners will be provided to those organizations and will not be included in the US official release files past 15 months of age unless AI Service Fee is paid.
• If it is discovered that semen has been sold using a US genomic evaluation on a male with a semen release date of March 1, 2013, or later and notice of the intent or payment of AI Service Fee have not been paid at the time the first semen was sold, the appropriate fee must be paid plus a $1,000.00 late fee. In addition, the owner(s) may lose the right to genotype males for an indefinite period, at minimum, until all fees due on all males are paid.